Bảo trì dự đoán của bạn bao gồm những gì?
Here's some of what we do during a basic maintenance plan (we have more detailed plans available, including our renowned Reliability Forecasting- contact us for a consultation to learn more):
*Engine Lubrication System:
Visually check for leaks; change lube oil and filters every 12 months or 250 operating hours, whichever occurs first.
*Engine Air Cleaners:
Wet type, clean and change oil once a year; dry type, clean or replace filter, if needed. Check air flow during operation to ensure ideal performance at critical operation.
*Ignition System:
check ICM (Ignition Control Module), spark plugs, distributor, coils, magneto; set timing, if needed. Replace spark plugs as needed. Record firing and check for hotspots to ensure reliability during critical operation.
Check speed, sensitivity, and oil level, if applicable. Set and adjust if needed. Graphical readings are taken to ensure stability and reliability during critical operation.
*Engine Cooling System:
Check general condition; check antifreeze and add, if needed; check belts and hoses; check water pump for leaks, cavitation, and hotspots; check thermostats at operating temperature to ensure complete operation. Check flow rate to ensure reliability during critical operation.
*Engine Electric System:
Hydrometer and/or impedance test of battery; clean and lubricate battery posts and cables, load test batteries, check alternator belts; check battery alternator and charger for proper operation and adjust charger, if needed.
*Engine Fuel System:
Visually check for leaks; check all visible connections and flexible hoses; adjust carburetor; change fuel filters once a year with oil change or as needed; clean fuel strainers; replace flexible fuel hoses, if needed; check for water in day fuel tank and main fuel tank; check fuel quality and flow to ensure reliability in critical operation.
*Engine Exhaust System:
Visually check for leaks or corrosion; check condensation trap and muffler condition. Check operation and hotspots/restrictions to reduce failure during critical operation.
*AC Generator:
Visually inspect generator condition; if applicable, check slip rings and commutator for wear; check lubrication of rear generator bearing and clearances, check resistance on exciter field. Check for voltage imbalances, hotspots or any other issues that may cause failures during critical operation.
Check all instruments for proper operation; check timers and relays for proper operation; check all connections for tightness; check safety circuits, shutdowns, and alarm systems.
Clean and lubricate as necessary and possible; Check wiring and contacts; Thermographic Scanning for hotspots; Check timers and controls, if allowed.
Run engine loaded, if permissible; at customers request and in his presence, transfer loads to generator set and adjust, if needed, to ensure accuracy and stability of entire system for operation during critical times.
*Clean Up:
Wipe down unit; remove used fluids and materials from Customer’s location and dispose of them in accordance with EPA regulations.
Powersmith will provide the most detailed report in the industry with any concerns and recommendations to ensure reliability of equipment.
If you're interested in learning more about our industry leading predictive maintenance,
click the "get in touch" link or call 214-888-8170
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Powersmith có đội ngũ tốt nhất trong ngành và chúng tôi sử dụng đội ngũ đó để cung cấp đào tạo tại chỗ cho khách hàng của mình. Chúng tôi muốn bạn được cung cấp đầy đủ thông tin để giúp bạn đưa ra quyết định sáng suốt về nhu cầu nguồn điện dự phòng của mình.
Hãy gọi để được tư vấn và tìm hiểu những gì chúng tôi có thể làm cho bạn.
Tại sao tôi nên chọn Powersmith thay vì đối thủ cạnh tranh ?
Simple Answer: We work harder
We work harder for you by training our people at our expense, not yours. Powersmith is the ONLY company with 100% certified technicians. Our competitors can't say that. Did you know, other companies have technicians who are classified as PM techs? What does that mean to you? These technicians are not fully trained to work on your equipment, they're not EGSA certified, and they can easily make mistakes, mistakes that can cost you! Quite simply, they are not good enough for you. Powersmith techs are true generator techs who are certified through EGSA and qualified to work on every part of your backup power system. Why trust something so valuable to someone who may have limited training? You can ALWAYS trust Powersmith! We work harder for you!
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